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Building an isoscape based on tooth enamel for human provenance in Brazil

Building an isoscape based on tooth enamel for human provenance in Brazil

Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios of Food and Beverage in Brazil

Veja o primeiro estudo da linha de base isotópica brasileira em 1245 itens alimentares e 374 bebidas publicado pelo professor Luiz Antônio Martinelli e colaboradores

Datos isotópicos como fuente de información en arqueologia forense

Datos isotópicos como fuente de información en arqueologia forense: el soldado peruano de la batalla del Alto de la Alianza (Perú, 1880)

Identification of the geographic origins of people buried in the cemetery of the Salesian Mission of Tierra del Fuego

Identification of the geographic origins of people buried in the cemetery of the Salesian Mission of Tierra del Fuego through the analyses of mtDNA and stable isotopes

Improving Source Apportionment of Urban Aerosol Using Multi-Isotopic Fingerprints (MIF) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF)

Improving Source Apportionment of Urban Aerosol Using Multi-Isotopic Fingerprints (MIF) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF): Cross-Validation and New Insights

Increased in carbon isotope ratios of Brazilian fingernails are correlated with increased in socioeconomic status

Increased in carbon isotope ratios of Brazilian fingernails are correlated with increased in socioeconomic status

Linking environmental indicators to blood, feather and claw δ18O in the Safron Finch (Sicalis faveola)

Linking environmental indicators to blood, feather and claw δ18O in the Safron Finch (Sicalis faveola) in the central Brazilian savannas

O que são isoscapes?

Entenda melhor este conceito com o trabalho do professor João Paulo Sena-Souza, pioneiro com os estudos de isoscapes no Brasil

Traceability of animal meals in quail eggs using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes

Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira: Traceability of animal meals in quail eggs using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes

Urban contamination sources in tunnel dusts from São Paulo city: Elemental and isotopic characterization

Urban contamination sources in tunnel dusts from São Paulo city: Elemental and isotopic characterization

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