RENIF, following its purpose of disseminating scientific knowledge in the area of forensic isotopy, uses this space to promote courses and other training activities promoted by RENIF or its partners.
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year 2022
Curso de uma semana de duração cobrindo os tópicos essenciais sobre como coletar, analisar e interpretar dados de isótopos estáveis. Confira no link os instrutores, local e demais informações sobre o curso.
The Laboratory of Geodynamic, Geochronological and Environmental Studies at UNB, a RENIF partner, supported by Capes PrInt, will hold the Webinar "Iron isotopes cycling: What can we learn about the functioning of the Amazon Basin?" on 04/22/2022 at 15:00 (GMT -03:00), given by Dr. Franck Poitrasson.
previous years
Course on Isotopic Biogeochemistry (March 2020)
From March 16 to 27, 2020, a two-week course on isotopic biogeochemistry was held at the Isotopic Ecology Laboratory - Cena/USP, with activities divided into theoretical, theoretical-practical classes with case studies, and laboratory part.
Responsible teachers: Luiz Antonio Martinelli, Gabriela Bielefeld Nardoto and Plinio de Barbosa Camargo.